Friday, March 16, 2012

Guest Speaker Session - Session Summary

There was quite a lot of feedback from the questions I posed during my Guest Speaker session and today I spent some time summarizing this to see if there were themes that constantly appeared from the feedback.  The following wordle highlights this

These were the responses the following questions: 
  • What are some of the characteristics and responsibilities of a peer mentor?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of peer mentoring? 
  • What causes online peer mentoring to fail?

Mentors bring with them experience, they are people that provide guidance, support, show empathy are a people person and are motivational.  It is all about setting expectations both the mentor and mentee.  Not only should you have a clear set of expectations, but guidelines. These guidelines should be for both the mentor and mentee. Guidelines will ensure the success of the mentoring experience.  It is important to let each other know your boundaries and make it clear to what extent you will mentor your mentee. This is two-way experience and the mentee should also set their own expectations as to what they want to achieve through the mentoring.  
A selection process for mentors should not be omitted from a peer mentoring guideline and once on-board it is all about TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING.   There are enough guidelines out there that have been produced by other institutions, a topic to considered in more depth as I discover more about peer mentoring.


The following link refers to a much more detailed guideline, some 204 pages, but covers ever consideration that needs to be taken. 

Having browsed through this document, which I will read completely soon I wanted to see if this was available as a book and instead of finding it on Amazon or Bol I stumbled across something even more interesting: 

If you are curious like me you will click on the link and land an a great website, which is completely dedicated to MENTORING.  It is a US based site, but the information shared is invaluable, especially the following sub headers 

I now have plenty to read over the next few days and will be blogger about the implementation of mentoring schemes soon. 

I wanted to hear more from the group that joined my guest speaker session and  have opened up a two week discussion to continue the the momentum that  was created from it. The questions are : 

  1. Online peer mentoring schemes have been introduced into many institutions offering distance and online programmes with a specific goal: Sustaining and Retaining students in an online programme. Can a peer mentoring scheme offer more?
  2. According to Lacey (1999) a structured approach needs to be taken when initiating an online mentoring programme. Do you agree that there are a range of activities and processes that need to be considered , allowing for a smooth implementation of such a programme to an exisiting degree course?
The feedback provided from these discussions will contribute toward the content of my 2nd and final guest speaker session and be included in the final recommendation that I want to present to the programme leaders running the MSc BOE in Blended and Online Education at Edinburgh Napier University. 


  1. Marty, where can we access the discussion?

  2. For those of you that have access to the Edinburgh Napier Education Exchange the discussion questions can be accessed through the following link

    For anybody that does not have access to ENEE, feel free to make your comments to the discussion here in the blog

  3. Hi Marty

    Many thanks for your first guest expert webinar on Wednesday evening, and I'm sure you will be receiving lots of very good feedback.

    Thanks also for your reflective blog posts to date, which are comprehensive and document well what you have set out to do for the Applied Practice in Blended and Online Teaching module, some of the key decisions made, and in which you also identify and draw upon a rich range of literature relevant to the chosen focus of your applied teaching practice.

    At this point in time, in terms of offering formative feedback, I think you are generating a lot of very relevant material to take into the final Patchwork Text.

    In looking at the Patchwork Text specification, there is one area which you may want to hone in on more closely:

    Pedagogic approach taken in the practical activity and rationale thereof

    In terms of meeting this criteria you may want to focus more closely on the pedagogic design and facilitation of your two webinars and related activities, with a consideration of where you are meeting accepted good practice in relation to synchronous online teaching and learning.

    The evaluation survey for your first webinar will provide relevant feedback to draw upon in this area, but remember to also engage with theoretical concepts and accepted good practice as it is covered in some of the pedagogic literature.

    This is the main comment around enhancement I'd offer at this point, and keep up the good work :-)


  4. Straight to the point and well written! Why can’t everyone else be like this? visit this site
